Home Studies

Home Studies

Missouri state law requires that all families, with some exception go through a home study.

The home study is a written report to the court which includes information regarding the condition of your home as well as your educational, financial, marital, medical and psychological status.

The requirement may be waived in step-parent adoptions if both parents signed a consent or the mother signed and there is no identified father.

It occurs first in private agency and state agency adoptions.

It will be set up by your attorney in private placement adoptions not handled by an agency.

Things you will be asked to gather for to the home study provider are:

o References – names and phone numbers. Please let your references know that they will be contacted by the evaluator by phone.

o Letter from your family physician stating that you do not have any illness or physical deficit which would prevent you from parenting a child. Talk with your evaluator about how to get the letter to him/her.

o Copy of your proof of income, either income tax paperwork or a paycheck stub, or any other form to show that the income in the home is sufficient to provide for the child(ren).

o Copy of birth certificate for you and your spouse, if applicable.

o Copy of your marriage license, if applicable.

o Copy of your divorce decree, if applicable.

o Birth certificate of children you intend to adopt if you have them.

o Copy of your current driver’s license.

o Copy of your social security card.

o Copy of current insurance cards for your vehicle(s).

o Copy of your medical insurance card(s).

o Copy of current report card and grades for child(ren) in home, if applicable.

You must undergo a a criminal background check run through the FBI.

You must undergo an abuse and neglect check through the Missouri Department of Social Services.

The report’s conclusion is whether you would be recommended as an adoptive placement. In all but foster care cases, there will be a cost associated with the home study.